Ajdovščina – from Roman fortress to industrial powerhouse (1 – 3 people)

Price 30 
Duration 1h 30m
Nr. of people 1 - 3

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About this walking tour

Why was Castra here and how did Romans shape this valley? Why was this the centre of industrialisation in the wider region and what role did Ajdovščina play in Slovenia’s independence? Learn this and many more interesting facts on the walking tour of Ajdovščina!

  • leisurely stroll around Ajdovščina city centre
  • visit to a local souvenir shop
Remains of Roman fortress Castra

We’ll take a walk outside and inside of the walls of this formidable fortress and learn about why it was built here, how it functioned and looked like and how daily life of a Roman soldier in it was like. Did you know its walls gave the name to the city many centuries after the fortress was abandoned?

Industrial powerhouse in the past and now

The driving forces of the early industry were a strong water flow, proximity to natural resources and a central location along important roads – Ajdovščina ticks all these boxes. It all started 400 years ago with ironworks by Hubelj spring, but it really picked up in the second half of 18th century when a paper mill was founded on the banks of Hubely river and then more and more industrial plants started to pop up. Learn about those and their legacy we can still see in the city’s economy today.

Traces left by the the Habsburg’s empire

From how German almost exterminated the use of Slovene language in the 18th century to being the hinterland of Soča front – being part of the Habsburg empire has left a permanent mark on this city.

Cradle of Slovenia’s independence

After the repressive Italian fascism regime in between the world wars the first Slovenian government was formed right here in Ajdovščina – the hall where this historic event took place is still in use today
